Invited Speakers

Stephanie Streep-Tuley, MNAA

Stephanie Streep-Tuley is the Managing Partner of a local real estate appraisal firm with 5 residential appraisers.  She grew up in San Antonio and graduated from Texas Tech University in 2007.  Stephanie was the Assistant Director of a preschool until 2010. She decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and switched careers. She is a Certified Residential Appraiser.  She has been appraising residential real estate in the San Antonio market area since 2010 and has had 5 trainees throughout the years. She is on the FHA and VA Panel and hosts a room in Clubhouse’s Real Estate AppraisalTalk twice a month.

She and her husband, an Army Veteran, have 2 children and split weekend time between their home and their small ranch. She competes in Olympic Weightlifting and has won 10 national and international medals in the past 2 years. 

Stephanie has been a designated member of NAA and ATA and board member of the ATA and received her designation in 2021.    She is passionate about the appraisal community, an active member of NAA, and regularly attends National Conferences as a vocal appraiser advocate. She currently serves as co-chair of the Appraiser Trainee Committee.